湍流控制研究所(CTC)的团队成员具有丰富的研究经验,我们欢迎与所有行业伙伴合作,促进社会、经济和工业发展。如果您想通过我们的研究成果寻求解决方案,请联系周裕教授(E-mail: yuzhou@hit.edu.cn)。
1. Fundamental turbulence
Small-scale turbulence
Wakes of multiple bluff bodies
Interactions between a boundary layer and a cylinder wake
Hypersonic flow (new direction)
2. Flow control
Jet control
Ahmed body wake control
Ramp flow control
Wing aerodynamics control
Turbulent boundary layer control
3. Flow-induced vibration
Bluff bodies in cross flow
Axial-flow-induced vibrations on one array of cylinders
Flow-induced vibration of tandem cylinders near a wall
4. Bionic flying vehicles
Biomimetic propulsors
Flight aerodynamics of dragonflies